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- /*
- * MBCMD.C - 9/20/92 - Command parser and dispatch.
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- docmd()
- {
- typedef struct
- {
- char n1, n2; /* The two command letters */
- byte args; /* Number of arguments required */
- word mode; /* Bitmask of allowed port modes */
- int (*fp)(); /* Pointer to function return int */
- register CMDDEF *cp;
- register int status;
- /*
- * The functions that do the commands.
- */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- extern char fbb_direction;
- extern int donefunc();
- extern int flipdebug();
- extern int kill_list();
- extern int srpmsg();
- extern int opchange();
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- extern int find_call();
- extern int w_lock();
- #endif
- #ifdef MCH_SYSOP
- extern int all_fwd();
- #endif
- extern int klmult();
- extern int klmsg();
- extern int lstmsg();
- extern int rdmult();
- extern int rdmsg();
- extern int sndmlt();
- extern int sndmsg();
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- extern int fwdcmd();
- #endif
- extern int done();
- extern int help();
- extern int klmsgm();
- extern int mkrem();
- extern int mksys();
- extern int makmlt();
- extern int makmsg();
- extern int dupmsg();
- extern int filmsg();
- extern int setunt();
- extern int edmsg();
- extern int edtfc();
- extern int copfil();
- extern int renfil();
- extern int kilfil();
- extern int uloadl();
- extern int uloadr();
- extern int dloads();
- extern int dloadi();
- extern int dloadl();
- extern int dloadr();
- extern int bye();
- extern int lterm();
- extern int setime();
- extern int chguser();
- extern int chgparam();
- extern int utalk();
- extern int rdmsgm();
- extern int duser();
- extern int dwuser();
- extern int edport();
- extern int eduser();
- extern int edusera();
- extern int puser();
- extern int sfwd();
- extern int newfwd();
- extern int prthrd();
- extern int prtdir();
- extern int prtver();
- extern int dosys();
- /*
- * Command char 1, char 2, # args, modes allowed, function
- */
- static CMDDEF cmds[] =
- {
- '!', ' ', 2, local, dosys,
- '!', ' ', 3, local, dosys,
- '!', ' ', 4, local, dosys,
- '!', ' ', 5, local, dosys,
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- '@', ' ', 1, remote, mksys,
- '@', ' ', 1, sysop, mkrem,
- #endif
- '?', ' ', 1, all, help,
- '?', ' ', 2, all, help,
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- 'A', 'H', 1, ops, w_lock,
- #endif
- #ifdef MCH_SYSOP
- 'A', '*', 1, ops, all_fwd,
- #endif
- 'B', ' ', 1, all, bye,
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- 'C', ' ', 3, ops, setime,
- 'C', 'B', 2, all, find_call,
- #endif
- 'C', 'M', 3, ops, dupmsg,
- 'C', 'M', 5, ops, dupmsg,
- 'C', 'M', 7, ops, dupmsg,
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- 'C', '*', 1, remote, utncv,
- 'C', '*', 2, remote, ctncv,
- 'C', '*', 4, remote, ctncv,
- #endif
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- 'D', 'B', 1, ops, flipdebug,
- #endif
- 'D', 'L', 1, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'L', 2, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'M', 1, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'M', 2, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'S', 1, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'S', 2, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'U', 1, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'U', 2, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'W', 1, ops, dwuser,
- 'D', 'W', 2, ops, dwuser,
- 'D', 'X', 1, ops, duser,
- 'D', 'X', 2, ops, duser,
- 'D', '*', 2, local, dloadl,
- 'D', '*', 2, remote, dloadr,
- 'D', '*', 2, sysop, dloads,
- 'E', ' ', 2, ops, edmsg,
- 'E', 'P', 2, ops, edport,
- 'E', 'S', 1, ops, chgparam,
- 'E', 'T', 2, all, edtfc,
- 'E', 'U', 1, ops, edusera,
- 'E', 'U', 2, ops, eduser,
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- 'F', '>', 1, remote, fwdcmd,
- #endif
- 'F', '*', 3, ops, filmsg,
- 'F', '*', 4, ops, filmsg,
- 'G', 'M', 1, ops, setunt,
- 'G', 'R', 1, ops, setunt,
- 'G', 'R', 2, ops, setunt,
- 'G', 'U', 1, ops, setunt,
- 'H', ' ', 1, all, help,
- 'H', ' ', 2, all, help,
- 'I', ' ', 1, all, dloadi,
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- 'J', '*', 1, all, prthrd,
- #endif
- 'K', ' ', 2, all, klmsg,
- 'K', ' ', 3, ops, klmult,
- 'K', ' ', 4, ops, klmult,
- 'K', ' ', 5, ops, klmult,
- 'K', 'A', 2, ops, klmsg,
- 'K', 'A', 3, ops, klmult,
- 'K', 'A', 4, ops, klmult,
- 'K', 'A', 5, ops, klmult,
- 'K', 'A', 6, ops, klmult,
- 'K', 'F', 1, ops, klmsgm,
- 'K', 'F', 2, ops, klmsgm,
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- 'K', 'L', 3, local, kill_list,
- #endif
- 'K', 'M', 1, all, klmsgm,
- 'K', 'O', 1, ops, klmsgm,
- 'K', 'O', 2, ops, klmsgm,
- 'K', 'T', 2, all, klmsg,
- 'K', 'Y', 1, ops, klmsgm,
- 'K', 'Y', 2, ops, klmsgm,
- 'L', '*', 1, all, lstmsg,
- 'L', '*', 2, all, lstmsg,
- 'L', '*', 3, all, lstmsg,
- 'L', '*', 4, all, lstmsg,
- 'M', 'M', 3, ops, makmlt,
- 'M', 'M', 4, ops, makmlt,
- 'M', '*', 3, ops, makmsg,
- 'M', '*', 4, ops, makmsg,
- 'M', '*', 5, ops, makmsg,
- 'M', '*', 6, ops, makmsg,
- 'M', '*', 7, ops, makmsg,
- 'M', '*', 8, ops, makmsg,
- 'N', ' ', 2, all, chguser,
- 'N', ' ', 3, ops, renfil,
- 'N', 'E', 1, all, chguser,
- 'N', 'H', 2, all, chguser,
- 'N', 'P', 1, all, chguser,
- 'N', 'Q', 2, all, chguser,
- 'N', 'Q', 3, all, chguser,
- 'N', 'Z', 2, all, chguser,
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- 'O', 'P', 2, local, opchange,
- #endif
- 'P', ' ', 2, all, puser,
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- 'Q', ' ', 1, local, done,
- #else
- 'Q', ' ', 1, local, donefunc,
- #endif
- 'R', ' ', 2, all, rdmsg,
- 'R', ' ', 3, all, rdmult,
- 'R', ' ', 4, all, rdmult,
- 'R', ' ', 5, all, rdmult,
- 'R', ' ', 6, all, rdmult,
- 'R', 'H', 2, all, rdmsg,
- 'R', 'H', 3, all, rdmult,
- 'R', 'H', 4, all, rdmult,
- 'R', 'H', 5, all, rdmult,
- 'R', 'H', 6, all, rdmult,
- 'R', 'M', 1, all, rdmsgm,
- 'S', 'M', 2, ops, sndmlt,
- 'S', 'M', 3, ops, sndmlt,
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Send Reply command
- all it does it say the command has been removed until it works properly.
- */
- 'S', 'R', 1, all, srpmsg,
- #endif
- 'S', '!', 2, all, sndmlt,
- 'S', '*', 2, all, sndmsg,
- 'S', '*', 3, all, sndmsg,
- 'S', '*', 4, all, sndmsg,
- 'S', '*', 5, all, sndmsg,
- 'S', '*', 6, all, sndmsg,
- 'S', '*', 7, all, sndmsg,
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- 'S', '*', 8, all, sndmsg,
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- 'T', ' ', 1, remote, utalk,
- 'T', '*', 1, local, lterm,
- 'T', '*', 2, local, lterm,
- 'U', '*', 2, ops, uloadl,
- 'U', '*', 2, remote, uloadr,
- #endif
- 'V', ' ', 1, all, prtver,
- 'V', ' ', 3, ops, copfil,
- 'W', '*', 1, all, prtdir,
- 'W', '*', 2, all, prtdir,
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- 'X', '*', 1, ops, sfwd,
- 'X', '*', 2, ops, sfwd,
- 'X', '*', 3, ops, sfwd,
- 'Y', 'F', 1, ops, newfwd,
- 'Y', 'F', 2, ops, newfwd,
- #endif
- 'Z', '*', 2, ops, kilfil,
- '\0', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0
- };
- port->cmdcnt++;
- pgst(NULL);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* If the line begins with ## then it is probably a disconnect message
- from a distant ka-node or a retry out message. So might as well
- say bye
- */
- if((port->opt1 == '#') && (port->opt2 == '#')) {
- bye();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- if (strlen(port->fld[0]) < 3)
- for (cp = cmds; cp->n1; cp++)
- if (port->mode & cp->mode)
- if (port->opt1 is cp->n1)
- if ((port->opt2 is cp->n2) or (cp->n2 is '*'))
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (port->flds is cp->args) { status = (*cp->fp)(); return; }
- #else
- /* If the last message was not a read command then clear the message
- type so that if the user then does a 'SR' command, it will fail
- */
- if(port->flds is cp->args) {
- status = (*cp->fp)();
- if(port->opt1 != 'R')last_msg.type = 0;
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if ((port->opt1 is '[') and (port->cmdcnt is 1)) { isbid(); return;}
- #else
- if((port->opt1 is '[') and (port->cmdcnt is 1)) {
- isbid();
- if(s_mart & fbbok) {
- port->flags setbit p_dofwd;
- port->mode = remote;
- fbb_direction = 1;
- fwdcmd();
- port->flags clrbit p_dofwd;
- bye();
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- port->msg = mwhat;
- port->errors++;
- }
- /*
- * User wants to log out.
- * Set the flag so they will be logged out.
- */
- bye()
- {
- pt_flag = 0;
- port->mode = logout;
- }
- /*
- * User done being remote sysop.
- * Make them normal user again.
- */
- mkrem()
- {
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- port->flags clrbit p_clrsys;
- port->mode = remote;
- if (!port->tmode)
- {
- cmdtnc();
- onetnc("cr on\n");
- onetnc("cp of\n");
- onetnc("se $0d\n");
- convtnc();
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * User wants to be remote sysop.
- * Let them, if they are allowed to.
- */
- mksys()
- {
- #ifndef MCH_SYSOP
- if (!(port->priv & p_sysop) or !(port->user->options & u_sysop)or!(pass()))
- { port->msg = mwhat; return; }
- port->flags setbit p_clrsys;
- port->mode = sysop;
- if (!port->tmode)
- {
- cmdtnc();
- onetnc("cr of\n");
- onetnc("cp on\n");
- onetnc("se $7f\n");
- convtnc();
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- #endif
- #ifndef NEWPASS
- pass()
- {
- int count,psn,lpsn;
- char temp[4], pword[5];
- for (count = 0, lpsn = 0; count < 4; count++)
- {
- while ((psn=(rand()/512))== lpsn);
- sprintf (temp, "%3u", psn+1);
- outstr(temp);
- pword[count] = *(keylst+psn);
- lpsn = psn;
- }
- outstr("\n");
- getdat();
- if (matchn(port->line, pword, 4)) return true;
- return false;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Lock up the current window for no more than 180 seconds.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- w_lock()
- {
- long l;
- if (!(s_flag & s_dv)) return;
- outstr("\nWindow locked");
- while (true)
- {
- getcomd(); if (port->opt2 isnt 'H') break;
- switchw();
- }
- outstr("-unLOCKED\n");
- return;
- }
- #endif